Damaging Roads and Road Facilities  Turned Gaza into a devastated area


A Statement by MoGaza

Damaging Roads and Road Facilities

Turned Gaza into a devastated area


The Municipality of Gaza (MoGaza) announced that the Israeli forces destroyed about one million square meters of roads since the beginning of the aggression.


MoGaza has reported that the destruction of roads and streets is unacceptable, as the occupation targeted paved streets, islands, sidewalks, and traffic signals, along with various road facilities, amounted to about 3,600 traffic signs, 260,000 meters of curbstones and sidewalks, 160,000 linear meters of lighting networks and streetlights, as well as unpaved roads.


MoGaza calls on the international community and United Nations organizations to intervene immediately and assist in rebuilding the city facilities and all aspects of life.